
Thursday, May 30, 2013


Well, its summertime, things to do and places to see. I've been wanting to thin out my DC Universe collection for a while and this week I'm doing it!!! Up to 150 figures are on sale now running through June 3, 2013. Click the image below to go to the listings page!!!

Most figures start @ $12.99 with C&C figures starting at $29.99. Get in early and bid high!!!

And don't forget to peruse the flat rate grab bags!!! If it fits... it Splits!!!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Man of Steel | SPOILERS A PLENTY!!!

A batch of Man of Steel spoilers have landed online from a yet to be released book, "Man of Steel Inside The Legendary Word of Superman."

Man of Steel | Spoiler Alert •

• Superman's suit is actually a Kryptonian environmental suit that appears to be used to help navigate the Kryptonian vessels which are actually alive.

• The Phantom Zone projector is located in Krypton's orbit.

• The Black Zero, a prison barge, is the ship that takes the criminals to the Phantom Zone, located in subspace.

• Krypton's explosion causes Zod to be able to take control of Black Zero and becomes his flagship.

• The Black Zero also has a squadron of drones associated with it - smaller ships.

• Zod mentally torments Superman, as seen with the recent skulls image enveloping Superman from the latest trailer, which is said to be a dream sequence.

• Superman as a tyrant is part of the dream sequence with the Man of Steel in an all black version of the suit, as Zod is in essence tempting him like the Devil.

• It's said that as comic fans you want to see a flying fist-fight scene.

• We learn more about the Fortress of Solitude, which we learned the origin for in the Man of Steel prequel comic book. It's organic; full of Kryptonian artifacts; environmental skinsuits which becomes Superman's costume; powers up after 18,000 years; bursts from the ice to land in a mountaintop.

• Zod is sentenced to 300 years of reconditioning in the Phantom Zone.

• Kyrptonians gave up space travel; they put together Black Zero through spare parts, sort of "hot wired it."

• We learn that the birth of Kal-El was natural and highly illegal on Krypton. Krypton has a caste system where each person is genetically designed. Jor-El and Lara wanted to create the first free Kryptonian, which places them in extreme danger.

• House of El command key is inside baby Kal-El's ship.

• There are robots on Krypton and mention of a Genesis Chamber.

Man of Steel | Spoiler Alert •

Source: CosmicBookNews

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


While strolling through target this afternoon I couldn't help but notice the huge silhouette of Justice league characters at the endcap. HOORRAYY!!! They finally bulldozed of that pile of TMNT and IronMan peg warmers!!!

While perusing the DC/Man of Steel display I looked down and saw this HUGE figure in a target Exclusive 5 pack. The 5-Pack includes Superman in standard presentation as well as Kryptonian Armor, Jorel in Armor, Zod, and then this King Daddy towering over the rest of the characters.

Mattel Man of Steel target Exclusive 5-Pack Superman Zod JorEl Namek

His name is Namek… Who? You know… Namek… YOU KNOW… Name… K… Kryptonian Name… Did I solve this Lucasian Anagram? Probably not as I hope it has a much deeper meaning.
Anyway Namek appears to be either Zod's right hand or possibly his boss. there's no telling really at this point. Having seen the newest trailer (#5) there is a HUGE pari of hands pinning Superman down. this could possibly be Namek himself about to take some fire up his nose.

Mattel Man of Steel target Exclusive 5-Pack Superman Zod JorEl Namek

Google won't turn up much for you but I'm assuming this is an all new character conjoured up to unlevel the playing field a bit. this could also possibly be the HUGE character we see bounding upwards towards Superman from the very first trailers. Either way… entertain your curiosity and try and dig something up on this guy!!!

Mattel Man of Steel target Exclusive 5-Pack Superman Zod JorEl Namek

Batman Unlimited | Wave 3 Beware the Batman 6" figure Revealed

Mattel has released the first image of the Beware the Batman figure from Dc Comics Unlimited Wave3.

Batman Unlimited | Wave 3 Beware the Batman 6" figure Revealed

While I find the figure itself to be a pretty accurate depiction of the character's appearance thus far I do hate to see more and more figures losing their ab crunch articulation. Hopefully the scale/proportions of this figure in particular make it a solid choice and not a new trend to seep into all of the titles we can look forward to in the future.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Man of Steel | The Official Movie Guide

While sweeping through Wal-Mart on my lunch break I swung through the electronics to find a miniature display for Man of Steel. They had T-Shirts up to 2XFanboy so I picked one up and also this AWESOME Official Movie Guide book. Finally we get to see a little more of their marketing photography as well as some screen captures from the movie. Very interesting shots for sure.

Have a look!!!

Man of Steel Official Movie Guide Photos GeekSummit Exclusive 

Man of Steel Official Movie Guide Photos GeekSummit ExclusiveMan of Steel Official Movie Guide Photos GeekSummit Exclusive

Man of Steel Official Movie Guide Photos GeekSummit Exclusive

Man of Steel Official Movie Guide Photos GeekSummit ExclusiveMan of Steel Official Movie Guide Photos GeekSummit Exclusive

Man of Steel Official Movie Guide Photos GeekSummit ExclusiveMan of Steel Official Movie Guide Photos GeekSummit Exclusive

Man of Steel Official Movie Guide Photos GeekSummit Exclusive

Man of Steel Official Movie Guide Photos GeekSummit Exclusive

Man of Steel | Play Arts Jor El & Faora

New shots out of an asian collector even show is the first shots of Play Arts Kai Square Enix' Man of Steel line of figures. This round we have Jor El & Faora coming soon!!!

Square Enix Play Arts Kai Man of Steel | Superman & General Zod

Square Enix Play Arts Kai Man of Steel | Superman & General Zod

Square Enix Play Arts Kai Man of Steel | Superman & General ZodSquare Enix Play Arts Kai Man of Steel | Superman & General Zod
Square Enix Play Arts Kai Man of Steel | Superman & General Zod

Square Enix Play Arts Kai Man of Steel | Superman & General Zod

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Man of Steel | Movie Masters : The Ab Crunch Project


Man of Steel | GeekSummit's Custom Ab Crunch Superman Movie Masters Action Figure

After the first release of the images of the Man of Steel Superman & Zod figures it was clear that the ab crunch articulation had been done away with. Whether it was in preservation of the torso detail or simply a corner cut in some interest it was the ONE joint that seemed an inexcusable loss to the running caliber of Movie Masters figures. The Dark Knight/Batman Begins figures were awesome with very little to complain about (lack of accessories) and the Man of Steel figures looked to be equally impressive but that ONE DAMN JOINT... Come on Mattel. 

So not being one to sit back and let my toys suck... i took to the shop armed with a bagfull of Man of Steel Superman figures to see what I could pull together. There were a few drafts but I am pleased to say a standard has been set!!! How do I do it? SIMPLE!!! I'm an obsessive hobbyist!!!

The first thing usually do is to affect the articulation of the stock figure. I deepen the insides of the elbow joints as well as the knees for a tighter closure. I also trim off the lowest band of the belt region. It seems to restrict the leg movement quite a bit and once its gone it is not missed.

Man of Steel | GeekSummit's Custom Ab Crunch Superman Movie Masters Action FigureMan of Steel | GeekSummit's Custom Ab Crunch Superman Movie Masters Action Figure

I also add a notch to the back of the neck allowing the head to rock all the way back for a better flying pose. The figure comes stock with a ball joint head but it is restricted internally from being able to flex all the way back. I drill out the lowest section of neck peg which then releases the head to move much more freely. Also of course we added the fabric cape for balance and weight purposes. Now the Man of Steel can flex and pose in any orientation horizontal or vertical and the cape doesnt weigh him down. 

Man of Steel | GeekSummit's Custom Ab Crunch Superman Movie Masters Action Figure
So how do we do it? We can't tell you but the answer may surprise you!!! In the mean time check out this diopanorama!!! We will return with a tutorial on converting YOUR figure into the specimen seen below!!!

 Man of Steel | GeekSummit's Custom Ab Crunch Superman Movie Masters Action Figure 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Man of Steel | Screenshots from TV Spot #3

Man of Steel's 3rd TV Spot has hit the net. Below are a few screenshots revealing new imagery not seen in previous trailers.

Kevin Kostner Jonathon Kent Man of Steel Henry Cavill TV SPOT 3

Man of Steel Henry Cavill TV SPOT 3

Michael Shannon General Zod Man of Steel Henry Cavill TV SPOT 3

Russel Crowe Man of Steel Henry Cavill TV SPOT 3

Friday, May 3, 2013

Star Wars Black Series | SDCC Exclusive Boba Fett and Han Solo in Carbonite

Boba Fett is coming to San Diego Comic-Con in July, and he's bringing a friend.

Star Wars Black Series | SDCC Exclusive Boba Fett and Han Solo in Carbonite

One of the collectible toys that Hasbro will have available exclusively at the pop-culture event this year is a detailed 6-inch Boba Fett action figure from the new Star Wars Black Series. What's even better is that he comes packaged with two weapons, his iconic jet pack and the ultimate accessory: Han Solo frozen in carbonite.

Kids of all ages can relive the moments in the Cloud City of Bespin during The Empire Strikes Back where Boba Fett hauls off his prey, or the scenes in Return of the Jedi where the iconic bounty hunter has taken Solo to Jabba the Hutt's palace on Tattooine.

Star Wars Black Series | SDCC Exclusive Boba Fett and Han Solo in CarboniteStar Wars Black Series | SDCC Exclusive Boba Fett and Han Solo in Carbonite

 The special-edition set is priced at $44.99 and will be sold at the Hasbro booth at the San Diego Convention Center July 18-21.

The first wave of four Black Series figures, due out in early to mid-August, includes Luke Skywalker in his X-Wing Fighter flight suit, fan-favorite droid R2-D2, Sith lord Darth Maul and an Imperial Sandtrooper.

If you don't want to wait that long to get Star Wars stuff, in honor of Star Wars Day/May the Fourth on Saturday fans can use the promo code "SWFANDAY" to get 20% off Star Wars and Angry Birds Star Wars toys online at"


But I think we ALL remember that it was ThreeA toys suggestive entry a few years back. I would think Google was aglow shortly after the first few shots arrived detailing fully articulated 6 inch incarnations of any true Star Wars fan's favorite 2 armored baddies complete with scaled vintage packaging. Definitely Hasbro had taken notice of that interest. Regardless of who produces my first 6 inch Stormtrooper... Thank You and May the Force Be With You...

ThreeA Toys' 6 inch Star Wars figures Super Articulated Fully Detailed Complete with Vintage Style Packaging

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Man of Steel | UPDATE Movie Masters Wave 2 Package Shots

More new surfacing on Movie Masters Wave 2 for Man of Steel. Wave 2 will feature repacks of Superman and Zod both with added accessories as well as Zod in Armor and Foara in Armor. These are looking pretty nice. I would only say look forward with caution as Zod is packed in a dramatic pose that I see endangering those bicep swivels. That's just me. But hey... atleast we're just buying him for the accesories!!! Yay Mattel!!!

Wave 2 Superman with Key Man of Steel Movie Masters Action FigureWave 2 Zod in Shackles Man of Steel Movie Masters Action Figure

Wave 2 Zod With Armor Man of Steel Movie Masters Action FigureWave 2 Faora Man of Steel Movie Masters Action Figure