
Wednesday, May 22, 2013


While strolling through target this afternoon I couldn't help but notice the huge silhouette of Justice league characters at the endcap. HOORRAYY!!! They finally bulldozed of that pile of TMNT and IronMan peg warmers!!!

While perusing the DC/Man of Steel display I looked down and saw this HUGE figure in a target Exclusive 5 pack. The 5-Pack includes Superman in standard presentation as well as Kryptonian Armor, Jorel in Armor, Zod, and then this King Daddy towering over the rest of the characters.

Mattel Man of Steel target Exclusive 5-Pack Superman Zod JorEl Namek

His name is Namek… Who? You know… Namek… YOU KNOW… Name… K… Kryptonian Name… Did I solve this Lucasian Anagram? Probably not as I hope it has a much deeper meaning.
Anyway Namek appears to be either Zod's right hand or possibly his boss. there's no telling really at this point. Having seen the newest trailer (#5) there is a HUGE pari of hands pinning Superman down. this could possibly be Namek himself about to take some fire up his nose.

Mattel Man of Steel target Exclusive 5-Pack Superman Zod JorEl Namek

Google won't turn up much for you but I'm assuming this is an all new character conjoured up to unlevel the playing field a bit. this could also possibly be the HUGE character we see bounding upwards towards Superman from the very first trailers. Either way… entertain your curiosity and try and dig something up on this guy!!!

Mattel Man of Steel target Exclusive 5-Pack Superman Zod JorEl Namek

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