
Friday, May 17, 2013

Man of Steel | The Official Movie Guide

While sweeping through Wal-Mart on my lunch break I swung through the electronics to find a miniature display for Man of Steel. They had T-Shirts up to 2XFanboy so I picked one up and also this AWESOME Official Movie Guide book. Finally we get to see a little more of their marketing photography as well as some screen captures from the movie. Very interesting shots for sure.

Have a look!!!

Man of Steel Official Movie Guide Photos GeekSummit Exclusive 

Man of Steel Official Movie Guide Photos GeekSummit ExclusiveMan of Steel Official Movie Guide Photos GeekSummit Exclusive

Man of Steel Official Movie Guide Photos GeekSummit Exclusive

Man of Steel Official Movie Guide Photos GeekSummit ExclusiveMan of Steel Official Movie Guide Photos GeekSummit Exclusive

Man of Steel Official Movie Guide Photos GeekSummit ExclusiveMan of Steel Official Movie Guide Photos GeekSummit Exclusive

Man of Steel Official Movie Guide Photos GeekSummit Exclusive

Man of Steel Official Movie Guide Photos GeekSummit Exclusive

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